Sunday, September 07, 2008


All I seemed to achieve for the month was my two little swap quilts, and some work on my bag swap. However I did manage to get them sent more or less on time, perhaps a little late. I had two swaps to do - the Doll quilt swap 4 and the miniature booty swap 2. As far as I know they haven't been received yet so I can't say who will be getting them but I can post post photos. The Storm at Sea one is for the Miniature Booty swap and the japanese one is for the Doll quilt swap. They are both about 20 inches square. I am not very happy with my photos - I think I rushed them just before I went to the post office. Also it was when I was sick and not feeling very creative. I certainly need to work on that particular area.
And I have received my quilt from the doll quilt swap - I'll post about that one tomorrow. Many thanks for that little beauty. ( but I'll do a proper post about that)


Gina said...

Lovely quilts.

Love and hugs Gina xxx

Teresa said...

These two quilts are just beautiful. I think Storm at Sea is one of my favorite patterns and your colors are just perfect. I had not see the Japanese block pattern before but it sure is pretty.

Bec said...

Absolutely beautiful quilts! Love the colours and the patterns!

Shelina said...

They are both beautiful quilts - I especially like the Storm at Sea. I have a hard time thinking of creative and beautiful ways to photograph quilts. I usually just take a head on shot.

Tami @ Lemon Tree Tales said...

Yesterday I received a little package in the mail. I was thrilled when I saw that it was your beautiful Storm at Sea quilt! Thank you!!! It's such gorgeous fabric and really lives up to its name. I'll post pictures tomorrow when the light's good again. :-)

Bronwyn said...

Gorgeous Lynda! Drats I should have been in the BootySwap 2 and maybe I could've received that Storm at Sea (my fave block of all time). I think I will join any swap that you are in and cross my fingers - you are too good!