Here's my birthday quilt - made by my friend Dianne. ( She finishes quilts!) It's a patience corner block using a range of fabric called Cheryl's Sewing Room which shows lots of sewing items. The border has cotton reels. The joke here is that Cheryl is another member of our little sewing group and made me the cushion in the other post. The quilt is called The 50th Block in honour of my 50th birthday. There are 49 blocks (7x7) on the front and the fiftieth block makes up the label on the back.
I love the backing too. You can see part of the label in the bottom left corner. If you look in the right bottom corner you will see a yellow circle. That's a little secret label which you can see close up in the following picture.

This is really special because even though I can make my own quilts ( one day!), to receive a quilt made by a friend is extra, extra special.
The quilt and the pillow both are just such wonderful presents! How nice it is to be friends with quilters, eh? Happy birthday to you!
Happy 50th Birthday and what a great quilt. I love the backing and the label.
Happy Birthday - what a pretty quilt you received. Hope your day was good.
What an absolutely wonderful present. It is cool to receive a quilt as a gift even when you are a quilter.
Happy Birthday if I haven't said it already.
What a gorgeous quilt!! Boy am I jelous,... one of these days I swear I will learn how to do this stuff :o) Very sweet of your friend though,... just the time it took to make it makes it so much more special :o)
Happy 50th Again :o)
Dianne sounds marvellous - she 'finishes' things. Tell her I need some inspiration. I have curtains hanging that aren't hemmed yet - who sees them but me? I have some people coming over for dinner on Wednesday... the pressure is on.
Happy birthday Bettsy! Hope your day was beautiful! Your quilt and your cushion are very cute! Be happy with quilting-friends!
Happy birthday :) I LOVE your birthday quilt! xoxo melzie
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