Here's my birthday quilt - made by my friend Dianne. ( She finishes quilts!) It's a patience corner block using a range of fabric called Cheryl's Sewing Room which shows lots of sewing items. The border has cotton reels. The joke here is that Cheryl is another member of our little sewing group and made me the cushion in the other post. The quilt is called The 50th Block in honour of my 50th birthday. There are 49 blocks (7x7) on the front and the fiftieth block makes up the label on the back.
I love the backing too. You can see part of the label in the bottom left corner. If you look in the right bottom corner you will see a yellow circle. That's a little secret label which you can see close up in the following picture.

This is really special because even though I can make my own quilts ( one day!), to receive a quilt made by a friend is extra, extra special.