Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Why no sewing gets done....

It's summer school holidays here and there is always something to do with the time. Yesterday we went to Rainbow Beach, which is a little town south of Fraser Island. You can read more about it here. I don't know if it is the best page to refer to but it mentions the sands and the sand blow nearby we visited. Below is the beach at Rainbow Beach itself - this is where the four wheel drives can access the beach.

This is the sand blow. The access is at the top which is nice for slow people like myself. There isn't any climbing. But this is what the kids did when they saw it.
And if you climb up the sides it's lots of fun too. I think Colly came home with about half of the sand in his pockets.

Look Mum - isn't this a great sandpit!!!


Joyce said...

Wow! That is one huge sandpit! I have never been to Fraser Island but have read about it. Maybe on our next visit to Australia, hopefully next year.

Diana said...

Hi Bettsy, we're enduring another cold snap here in the states, so your beach with the sand pit looks very inviting! Have fun.

Shelina said...

That looks like a lot of fun to slide down the sand! I'm surprised there aren't prints of more people doing that!

Susan said...

I'm always amazed by the emptiness of beaches over there! When we were children, my folks would take us to the sand dunes near us. We always took big, flattened cardboard boxes and used them to slide down the hills, somewhat like a sled in snow. =) We still ended up with pockets of sand, and sand in the hotdogs!

Sue said...

nearly looks like Tennant Creek. Or not lol

Jenni said...

Looks like fun. Haven't been there for ages.

Cynthia said...

looks like a lot of fun. I think my teenage daughters would have enjoyed doing the same thing.

Anonymous said...

I've never been to Rainbow Beach and I'm only down the road in Nambour! I love looking at everyone's snow pictures - I hate summer up here LOL. Kids and sand dunes just go together don't they.