You would think that after a wonderful weekend away hand stitching I would be content but circumstances occured which meant the next weekend I was up at
The Patchwork Angel on the Sunshine Coast doing a two day machine quilting and raw edge applique workshop with
Kellie Wolfsohn of
Don't Look Now! You can see all her beautiful work on her
blog. We started on Saturday doing the raw edge applique on our practice piece and on Sunday we started to quilt it. Here's Kellie showing us how to keep our quilting lines flowing.

And some demonstrations of how to follow her tecnique on a machine.

And at the end of the day here we all are with our practice pieces finished - taken inside the front of
The Patchwork Angel. Thanks to Kellie and
Penny of
The Patchwork Angel for a wonderful time ( and Penny's husband for the yummy lunches.)

And for once I didn't come home and put my work in the UFO pile - I jumped straight in and made a cushion the way Kellie does. (My poor little bird doesn't have an eye yet though)

And here's the back complete with the zip I put in, which is explained in
Kellie's patterns. It works well - you can hardly see it.

So now I have lots of new things to try and techniques to experiment with - I had a great time away but now I have to knuckle down and finish a few things.