I have mentioned The BQL (Britsih Quilt List Yahoo group) Challenge before and I realise that I haven't posted my little quilts each month. I must catch up on that but for now here is my quilt for October. The focus is the folded fabric pinwheels. Now, I am not really a pink person but these fabrics just seemed to want to all go together and it was fun and quick to make.
I took this photo on my back deck, I like the rustic look of the boards.

I then walked in the door, put the little quilt down on my dining room table and took this photo.

There in only a minute or so between taking these and really only about two metres between the two spots where the photos were taken. But they both have a very different look due to the light. I like them both - I like the background roses showing in the first one and I like how the quilting shows up in the second. I just couldn't decide which photo to use.....