Like Murphy’s Law there are a number of other ‘truths’, which seem to influence my life. The main one for me, which has surfaced this time, is – the longer you don’t do something the harder it is to start doing it again. Maybe this is related to the line – if you don’t use it you lose it – but not quite. My point is that I haven’t written (or sewn for that matter) for a while and it has become harder and harder to get back to any sort of routine. Admittedly we are in the middle of summer school holidays and there was Christmas and New Year as well. So a small step today will hopefully start the ball rolling again.

This is how my sewing machine has looked for weeks now. These are going to be the borders for Marcie’s little tree quilt, which I was making before Christmas. Give me a few days / weeks and they will be sewn. I refuse to put them away because it just won’t get finished if I do.

And here is a picture of my Secret Santa gift – many thanks again to Sherry. This was taken Christmas Eve just after Santa had been. The menu choice this year was carrots for the reindeer with nuts and a little bit of Tullamore Dew for Santa. I am not sure if the reindeer tried the nuts as well but there certainly was evidence that some nibbling had taken place. Strangely enough the whiskey was all gone, so that seems to have been a good choice.
So there is my first small step to getting back into the swing of things – more soon.