I have been suffering a bit with a cold so didn't really want to start anything for fear of making a mistake. So I have been playing about with some old UFO's - which is something I should be doing anyway. I decided that I would sort these blocks out and get them made up. These are for Byron's ( grandson) quilt. He has loved Buzz Lightyear for absolutely ages and so I decided to make this last year. However if I don't hurry up he will be past Buzz and onto something else. I also though that if I had all the blocks trimmed ready to sew and next to the machine it would be much quicker.

The pattern is here and doesn't really show up that well. But I had enough fabric in my stash to make it and so off I went. The picture on the left shows the layout from the pattern. The picture on the right shows the striped blocks turned sideways. I felt that when I had the blocks the long way the quilt just looked too long and not wide enough even though the dimensions are the same. Of course there are no borders yet so that could make a difference. So here I am again trying to work out which one I prefer. I have a few opinions already but I thought maybe I would put it out into the bigger world and see what happens. Which one do you like?
(and of course I wonder why I am worrying about this so much - Byron will probably love it no matter which way it is.)