From the track on the way to the falls...
It was cold and misty - this view though is looking towards the high rise buildings of Surfers Paradise but they don't show very clearly.
then show someone else's ( with permission of course).
I go to a small quilting group every second Tuesday afternoon. Small ? Well there are three of us. We talk about anything and everything, do a lot of planning and fix the world's problems. Maybe we just fix our quilting problems. The time before last I turned up with my new copy of the Quilter's Newsletter Magazine's Quilt It, More Nine Patch Favorites. My friend, Dianne, pounced on it and suddenly remembered that she had a number of nine patch blocks which she received as part of a swap last year,which were sitting in her cupboard. So using two of the patterns from the book this is what she came up with. All the nine patch blocks are from the swap - she just added the extra setting squares.This was a quilt she hadn't even planned on making and a week later this top is what she has - isn't it fabulous? I think I would have been so discouraged by the variety of colours that I would have given up. ( If you have the magazine you can see where her ideas came from. The setting is from Garden Party. It is much scrappier but you can see where the diamond is formed. The diamond border comes from another pattern On the Edge. I have to admit that I tend to think that nine patches are fairly boring but this has inspired me.
Here is another of Dianne's quilts. I was prompted to put this one on because of the squares that Jenni had posted that she had bought at the craft show. I thought these were the same blocks but I can see that they are similar, not the same. All the fabric is Japanese and it is another great quilt. Needless to say my my friend Dianne is much better at finishing things than I am.
Here's another Little Quilt I was working on over ten years ago. It got to where it was ready to quilt ( in those days I hand quilted everything), and then ended up in the UFO pile. Then some years later I bought a walking foot to go with my old Bernina and decided to try it there and then. So with no practice I grabbed the first thing I had ready and started quilting in the ditch. It was a dreadful job and even worse... I didn't change my bobbin! The backing is black and the bobbin thread was light blue/grey. What was I thinking?
What a shocking job.... I only can talk about it because it seems like a lifetime away and done by another person. So when I was looking for something to sit with the other day I started to unpick all the stitching. I suppose the good thing about using the wrong colour bobbin thread is that I can see it. I am thinking that I might try quilting it with black perle cotton but I am not sure if that will look too much with the black button hole thread. I suppose the only way to find out is to try it. Otherwise it will be just a black quilting thread in the ditch.
I don't even know what I will do with this when it is finished - but I know that I do want it finished. Maybe I could hang it somewhere like I see here ( Libby) .Or maybe someone will see it and love it. I have to finish it first. There is value in everything and I have learnt some important lessons here, especially about planning ahead.
My mother is a quilter. For many many years I resisted sewing and quilting because she was so good. I did other crafts that she didn't do - for example crochet, which skipped a generation from my grandmother. There was cross stitch and embroidery which she did but it wasn't her craft of choice. My mother does beautiful work but I actually don't have very many examples. I think I have 5 quilts in total - and one is a joint effort where I made the top and she handquilted it. I have two cheater sheet type quilts - one machine quilted in monofilament and one hand quilted. The last two are machine pieced and hand quilted. The pictures here are of the smaller of those two quilts, which she gave to my daughter on her first birthday ( although it was made a long time before that). In taking photos I realise that there is no label on it, and so the next time I see her I am taking the quilt back to her and making sure that she puts one on. However I don't know if she will remember any dates - still a little bit of history is better than nothing.
Nowadays she tends to keep things small and makes charity quilts for premature babies. They are all hand quilted - I think the one quilt I have which was machine quilted may be the only one she has done that way. ( It is one of those road fabrics which are great for little boys to play on) .
Here's the hand quilting on the pink quilt and it is followed by a close up of the candlewicking. The quilt has been washed a bit so it is starting to get that wrinkly look of older quilts. Also a lot of the fabrics were her dresses from my childhood, (I particularly remember the white one with the orange and yellow flower and pink grid ) so there is a bit of a mix and the backing is a cotton sheet. I think that it may have been completely a stash quilt.
By the time I was ready to do the second half the kids were home from school and all of a sudden I was cutting fabric between sandwich toasters, juice, butter, jam and Noise!!!!!! I have realised that it is highly likely that Ricky Tims has a beautiful studio where he doesn’t have to deal with four starving children after school. I don’t know why I thought I was Superwoman and kept cutting. And yep, I messed it up. One of my cuts was the wrong measurement and there are two the same size now. Too bad…..
Did I achieve what I set out to do? Yes, I did – I worked through an interesting technique, and learnt something new. It was interesting to see how it would turn out.
My evaluation – well, I don’t really love what I ended up with. I have seen some beautiful convergence quilts. I think mine has too much contrast and looks like a checkerboard to me. This could also be because I messed up the measurements too. I used fabric I had and I think it would have been nicer if it blended more. I also learnt that I should stop when things get crazy – but it is so hard to do that when you want to finish something. It will still make a fine table topper – or I may make it into a larger quilt. It didn’t cost me much and was well worth doing, but next time I’ll stop when the kids get home. And maybe that October goal of making my own little sewing area has just gained more priority. Dream on……
Here I am on Hamilton Island - I said to myself at the beginning of blogging that I wasn't going to post a photo of myself. However I wanted to show the beach and somehow I am in this one (it is a bit windy).
The wedding went well - or rather in the words of the bride and groom - Perfect. The wedding was on the beach and then lunch was at a restaurant overlooking the water. The weather was wonderful and it all went beautifully - what more could we ask for?
I decided to add this task to my October list. It is one of the baby quilts from Quiltmaker - they appeared in the magazines but you can buy them as a set now. I loved making it - making one block in a larger size was so easy. This one was made for one of our grandchildren ( we have three). He is now 7 months and very active so I don't think he will be lying on this much but I see this quilt as one he can play on.
The task though is to pin, quilt and bind. I have so many "flimsies" (thanks to Norma for this description) and it seems that this is the area I need to work on most, but probably the area I like doing least. I actually enjoy hand quilting but the quilts I need to finish are ones I will machine quilt.
I doubt if I will get much of a start on these two quilts this week as in two days time we are off to Hamilton Island for a wedding. In fact the couple are parents of the grandson I just mentioned - the groom is my husband's son. I'll write about that after the big event.
The children go back to school next Monday so hopefully then I can really get to work on these goals. That's the nice thing about blogging ( for me anyway) - I have put my goals out there and so feel a little bit more motivated to complete them.
Just wanted to add that the quilt was completely made from my stash - I think that is a first for me as I always seem to feel the need to go to the quilt shop and look for something better. So I was quite proud of myself this time.
There she blows.....
Guess what I did today......
It is school holidays here so we decided to have a day outing going whale watching. The whales travel up (and later down) the east coast of Australia and there are a number of ways to see them. We went on a day trip from near where we live and were lucky enough to see them playing at close range.
This is a mother and her calf.
What a great day!!!